Gigaom: Hyperautomation vs. Legacy SOAR

It wasn’t long ago that we at Torq proclaimed “SOAR is dead!”

And it didn’t take long for the industry to catch on. Leading analyst firm GigaOm in its recent GigaOm Radar report named Torq a leader and an outperformer in the security automation market, namely for our hyperautomation capabilities that legacy SOAR just can’t touch. And our competitors have also started jumping on the hyperautomation bandwagon since we shifted our focus to this model.

While SOAR was innovative and effective nearly a decade ago, it has become stagnant and beleaguered by its inherent complexity, management overhead, and high costs. Security pros have neither the time, the resources, nor the money to throw at legacy SOAR.

Enter hyperautomation.

An ‘Outperformer’

Let’s hear it directly from the source. 

In the report, GigaOm praises Torq for our “extensive feature set” and “impressive portfolio of customers.” And beyond that, the firm gave Torq top marks across many of its key criteria, including case management and collaboration; automated alert prioritization; triage and curation; autonomous operations; and validation and red teaming. 

GigaOm gave Torq Socrates, our just-announced Tier-1 analysis AI Agent – the first in cybersecurity – a nod for its use of AI to hyperautomate key security operations activities, like alert triage, contextual data enrichment, and indecent investigation, escalation, and response.

“Torq offers autonomous operations features for both the workflow design process and the workflow run time of processing security events,” the GigaOm report states. “Design-time capabilities consist of assistive development of automated processes, such as summarization for successful collaboration, improvement, development co-pilots, and the like. Run-time capabilities consist of data enrichment and data-driven suggestions to assign specific teams or analysts based on their profile, ownership, and history, and to recommend investigative steps to help understand the issue and containment actions that can help stop the negative effect and allow remediation as part of a process to resolve the issues completely.”

Additionally, the firm dubbed Torq’s Case Management as “exceptional” in how it hyperautomates security signal detection, streamlines decision making, and automatically 

“For case management and collaboration, Torq offers a built-in case management system developed in-house and integrated with the solution’s event-driven architecture and security automation capabilities,” the report states. “Torq also offers out-of-the-box bi-directional integrations with leading case management systems such as ServiceNow, Jira, and Zendesk, as well as communication platforms like Slack, Microsoft Teams, and Cisco WebEx. Torq supports in-the-platform virtual war rooms as part of its case management, and its multi-workspace architecture and granular RBAC can involve multiple teams across organizational disciplines: security, IT, engineering, business lines, and human resources.”

It’s clear through GigaOm’s latest report that Torq Hyperautomation is helping organizations overcome the limitations and challenges of legacy SOAR and empowering security pros with solutions that take out the complexity while also freeing up their time and budget for meatier projects.

The GigaOm Radar report confirms that we’re on the right path in our unwavering commitment to hyperautomation and our quest to make it as easy as possible for enterprises to fortify themselves against cyber threats without sacrificing protection. 

Download the full GigaOm Radar report now and read how hyperautomation is shaking up the sluggish SOAR category. And try Torq Hyperautomation for yourself: